
Double Panes, Interactive Media, Moment Discovery Studio, 2024

Spark moments of joy, excitement, and wonder in unexpected places. Glimmers is a customizable placemaking solution to transform dark urban spaces into alluring visitor attractions. This large LED display showcases an expansive array of colors and patterns, powered by advanced algorithms for an ever-changing visual experience.

Glimmers Applications

  • Corporate & Retail: Captivate customers with dazzling LED art installations, turning vacant storefronts and overlooked spaces into mesmerizing visual spectacles. 
  • Public Art & Placemaking: Ignite community interest, civic pride and social media buzz with breathtaking landmarks that fuse innovation and artistry, transforming spaces into unforgettable destinations.
  • Festivals & Events: Elevate special occasions with a large-format LED display of generative digital art. Add Glimmers Live mode to visualize sound as light or reflect guests’ abstracted silhouettes in colourful illuminated movements. It’s a memory making machine! 

Moment Discovery_Glimmers_Product Spec Sheet