
Live Video and Depth, Pamela Anthony, Conroy Badger, Interactive Media, ‘Hello Human!’, 2023, Photo by Meg Desjardins.
Pyramid Lake, Exhibit Visitor, Draw, Charffy Wang, Pamela Anthony, Interactive Media (DotWall, Draw), ‘Hello Human’, Moment Discovery Studio, 2023, Photo by Meg Desjardins.

DrawWall is a vibrant living light canvas – and a collaborative art adventure. DrawWall has two modes for engaging audiences. In mode one, audiences are entertained by  fascinating algorithmic art generation. In mode two, they experience  responsive, people-activated live arts and gaming. DrawWall is equipped with sensing cameras and Moment Discovery’s body responsive software to process movement and sound into art. DrawWall is a large pixelated video, an LED canvas for light painting, and a delightful visualiser for multiplayer, motion-activated arcade inspired games like HandBop, ShapeShift, and DanceMirror.

DrawWall Applications

  • Art & Cultural Exhibits: DrawWall is a beautiful art installation and engine for audience socialization. Audiences are invited to co-create with digital art, using gestures to paint with light and watch their designs illuminate DrawWall before their eyes. When visitors aren’t creating live light graphics, DrawWall animates the room with mesmerizing algorithmic art in motion. DrawWall is the impressionist painting of the future, brought to you in the present. 
  • Theme Parks & Entertainment Venues: Envelop people into unexpected forms of extended reality gaming where the body is the interface for multimedia control, free of wearable devices like headsets or hand controllers. DrawWall has the aesthetic vibe of retro-classic arcade games powered with leading-edge body tracking technology. 
  • Events and Expos: Enchant visitors with an intelligent 3D light installation. DrawWall attracts event participants with mesmerizing algorithmic art and keeps them engaged with movement generated activities. DrawWall is a new attraction technology that breaks the ice and stirs up energy!